SHOPLIFTING Shoplifting is an addictive crime. There are two types of shoplifters (people who steal goods from shops): professional criminals who do it for a living, or to earn money for a drug habit; and non-professionals. Non-professionals know that there are consequences, and they usually have the money to pay, but they continue to steal anyway. These people steal items they often don’t need and sometimes don’t use. Although people of all ages shoplift, almost one third of all shoplifters arrested by the police are between the ages of 13 and 17. Teens usually steal things that they can’t afford or are not allowed to buy, such as CDs, cosmetics, clothes and cigarettes. But many also steal things they could simply buy. Why? ‘I think, I could be spending my money on this, but I’m getting it for free,’ a teenage girl said. ‘Besides, there’s also the thrill of doing something bad. Your heart starts to race, and all you can think about is getting out of the store,’ the girl added. Więcej arkuszy znajdziesz na stronie: Próbny egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego Poziom podstawowy 8 Teens who shoplift often believe their actions don’t really hurt anyone. They don’t think that shoplifting means stealing. They think that the store will not notice the losses. They are wrong. Stores know exactly how many articles they lose, and the costs are huge. Ask teens who shoplift why they do it, and they usually say they don’t know. Or they may say that it’s fun; shoplifting can cheer up the mood of a teen who is feeling depressed, angry or bored. Friends can also force friends to shoplift together – to be cool. But why? Shoplifters usually don’t know the true motivations behind their actions. However, shoplifting can become an addiction. In fact, drug addicts who shoplift say it is as hard to stop stealing as it is to quit drugs. Without intervention, shoplifting can become a dangerous lifetime habit. For teens who are just ‘trying out’ shoplifting, the best thing that can happen is getting caught. And the sooner, the better. When they are caught by store security personnel, they feel frightened, and the experience can stop many teens from repeating their behaviour. Shoplifting is stealing. Stealing is wrong. It’s really just that simple. adapted from Weekly Reader, 2003