1. Where did the mother dolphin and her baby communicate with each other? 2. How did the mother dolphin and her baby communicate with each other? 3. Who ran the experiment with the mother and baby dolphins? 4. What is Project Delphis trying to decode? 5. How do dolphins communicate with each other? 6. What other ways do dolphins communicate nonverbally? 7. What do scientists speculate dolphins talk about? 8. How do some dolphins call for backup when in trouble? 9. Who has been listening to dolphins for over 17 years? 10. What tools does Kathleen Dudzinski use to study dolphin communication? 11. Why is it difficult to decipher dolphin language? 12. How long can dolphins stay underwater between breaths? 13. What does a jaw clap gesture in dolphins mean during fights? 14. When dolphins jaw clap while playing, what does it signify? 15. What did the spotted dolphin do after being bullied by bottlenose dolphins? 16. How do dolphins team up similar to humans? 17. Where does Sara Waller study bottlenose dolphins? 18. What is the similarity in the way dolphins and humans communicate through gestures? 19. How do dolphins communicate their emotional state? 20. What is the main challenge in studying dolphin behavior according to Dudzinski?